

阅读:1416次 日期:2019/11/18

美国能源部发布命令,向Blue Water Fuels(蓝水燃料)公司和SpotX Energy(SpotX能源)公司授权出口小规模LNG。



蓝水燃料公司建议将LNG装载到两个现有天然气液化设施认可的ISO集装箱中,一个是位于路易斯安那州艾伦港的NuBlu液化天然气设施,由HR NuBlu Energy公司所有;另一个是位于亚利桑那州埃伦堡的Ehrenberg Spectrum液化天然气工厂,该工厂为Spectrum LNG公司所有。


在第二份订单中,美国能源部批准SpotX Energy出口液化天然气,总出口量相当于每年517.5亿立方英尺。该公司的目标是购买液化天然气量,并将其装载运输到位于墨西哥湾沿岸的液化天然气设施的ISO容器中。



赵斌 编译自 世界天然气


DoE grants two small-scale LNG export permits

The United States Department of Energy issued orders authorizing small-scale liquefied natural gas exports to Blue Water Fuels and SpotX Energy.

In its application, Blue Water Fuels requested authority to export LNG to any country with which the United States does not have a free trade agreement (FTA) requiring national treatment for trade in natural gas (non-FTA countries).

Blue Water Fuels seeks to export LNG in a volume equivalent to 3.4 billion cubic feet (Bcf) per year, or 0.009 Bcf per day, of natural gas.

Blue Water Fuels proposes to load the LNG into approved ISO containers at two existing natural gas liquefaction facilities, the Port Allen NuBlu LNG facility located in Port Allen, Louisiana, and owned by HR NuBlu Energy, and the Ehrenberg Spectrum LNG facility located in Ehrenberg, Arizona, and owned by Spectrum LNG.

Blue Water Fuels seeks to export this LNG by means of both ocean-going vessels and in ISO containers loaded on container vessels for a term of 20 years.

In its second order, DoE granted the permit to SpotX Energy to export LNG in a total volume equivalent to 51.75 Bcf per year. The company aims to purchase the LNG volumes and load them to ISO containers at LNG facilities on the Gulf Coast.

The company has identified 20 facilities it can purchase LNG from to export to both FTA and non-FTA countries for a 20-year period.

DoE noted in its notice that the order does not provide SpotX with an independent right to purchase or load LNG at any of the facilities. DOE said it takes no position on the commercial arrangements that may be necessary for SpotX to effectuate the export of LNG approved in the order.
